
Taipei Opennings with unique carvings in Villa Lin

This geometorical shape opening looks more like one in Sculpa's buildings in Italy.
What is the most interesting about opennings in Villa Lin, I think, Numbers of its can been built in a line. Wind seems to be flowing thoughout Villa. Though taiwan`s crimate is characterized by hot and humid,what is called Tropic, Wind may makes me feel good.

It looks like a shape being in fashion in contemporay architectures.

Taipei Floating bench on a lake in Villa Lin

I`m pleased to introduce the Coolest design I`ve ever discovered in Taiwan.
Take a closer Look! The blue painted bench, which is part of a small house along this lake, actually hangs over the lake itself.


Taipei Lin


Liverpool Biennale

Liverpool Kinkaku temple in the biennale

The window panes of telephone booth reflects the view of the cityhall and the neighborhood. It`s not to see if you look closely, you will see there is a gold painted something inside telephone booth. It is on the right of the picture! It is called Kinkaku temple and a golden shape made by Japanese artist, There is a small buddha status on the top.He said there are many kinds of temples in Liverpool, but there is no buddha temple.

Liverpool Mersey River

The river was a blaze of light in the evening darkness.


Liverpool Biennale

The cathedral sits along one of the main streets in liverpool.In the world war Ⅱ it was collapsed ,but It ..


Helsinki Atlier Aalt

The slanting wall in the meeting room gets sunlight by windows which are tucked above out of sight ,It looks like artficial light.But it is sunlight.

Sunlight with trees planed in the garden are showing from the windows.

Helsinki Atlier Aalt

Touching a doorknob designed by Aalt is like shaking hands with him.Ii is very impressive.

Helsinki Atlier Aalt


The cantilever beams are floating above the main entrance at a regular interval.It invites people to the front entrance.

Liverpool Warehouses


Bangkok Bamboo Bar at the oriental hotel

The story develops very slowly...

Bangkok Overhead railways

The overhead railways ,it is called "SkyTrain ",sits above of the main street. The railway itself was supported by the columns,which have an interesting carvings. I dont like extremely representative carvings which it can be often seen in Thailand. But there is a cool and modern design on the columns.I like it very much.


Bangkok Column

In the past the Thai people placed a column which symbolize a center point of a city and then built a city from there.


Bangkok Column 2

The lady is heading for the building houses the column.The buildings belong to Thai Palace can be seen around here.

This tiny building is placed on the front of the building which houses the column.

Those who goes into the building are required to take off their shoes.


Bangkok Roof

In the palace district there are so much houses decorated with detailed represantational carvings. I became really tired when looking at them except this roof.


The Buddha is lying down under the roof .it collects the strong sunlight and glows Thailand.
There is darkness and joy is visible ,which is showing between columns support the roof.

Bangkok 涅槃像

The gold painted pillows are stacked and they support Buddha's head.

The bottom of his feet is painted black.


Chester The walls

People are strolling on the path on the City Walls, lead us to the city as it used to be.

It looks like houses built on the City Walls.

Part of the City Walls sit along a river, where so much people gathered.They are eating, drinking, playing and reading.

You can see the letters "The walls" on the sign of the buildings on the walls.

In the past a city was built and the walls were built to protect it from outsiders and enemies. Later the walls became a relic of the old days and it was used in a new city.

Cities like Paris,Rome as well as Tokyo the wall was mostly destroyed.because it protect to spread the growth of a city in reverse.....continue.


Helsinki Kiasma

Long time no see ! I m back "Kiasma" since December 1999.
I found it same old , better I mean.


Liverpool 海事博物館

Liverpool marina museum sits on the Albert Dock ,where is along the Mercy river.
The inovation on ships,played a big role in the industrial revolution,is exhibited there.....
