
London Hyde Park

This tiny gallery space was built by Frank Gery on the Hyde Park in the autum of 2008.
Recenty a different gallery space is built and taking down on the same site by a different architect every year..
It seems to have a wood skelton..but a closer look shows that there is an iron skelton you can see it from a crack in the wood.

London Berbican hall

Rakhmaninov festival was held all day at Berbican hall.
The letters "LSO" can be seen at the back of the illuminated stage.
The berbican hall is headquaters of London Symphony Orchestra ,LSO for short.



Helsinki Palace hotel

A view from a vessel which runs from Helsinki harvor to the neigbor.

Helsinki from Palace hotel

This breathtaking view is from the top of the Palace hotel .
they dont have so many rooms.From the balcony you can see the whole harbor as well as the great cathedral.


Liverpool レンガ倉庫

Liverpool ゴーレムリー


Liverpool アルバートドック



Taipei To London
