
Bangkok Bamboo Bar at the oriental hotel

The story develops very slowly...

Bangkok Overhead railways

The overhead railways ,it is called "SkyTrain ",sits above of the main street. The railway itself was supported by the columns,which have an interesting carvings. I dont like extremely representative carvings which it can be often seen in Thailand. But there is a cool and modern design on the columns.I like it very much.


Bangkok Column

In the past the Thai people placed a column which symbolize a center point of a city and then built a city from there.


Bangkok Column 2

The lady is heading for the building houses the column.The buildings belong to Thai Palace can be seen around here.

This tiny building is placed on the front of the building which houses the column.

Those who goes into the building are required to take off their shoes.


Bangkok Roof

In the palace district there are so much houses decorated with detailed represantational carvings. I became really tired when looking at them except this roof.


The Buddha is lying down under the roof .it collects the strong sunlight and glows Thailand.
There is darkness and joy is visible ,which is showing between columns support the roof.

Bangkok 涅槃像

The gold painted pillows are stacked and they support Buddha's head.

The bottom of his feet is painted black.